ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there! Have you heard of something called "adrishta"? No? Well, adrishta is a very interesting concept that some people believe in. Let me explain it to you like you're 5 years old.

Do you remember when we learned in science class that everything is made up of tiny little particles called atoms? Well, according to the people who believe in adrishta, there is something else that affects the way things work, and it's not made up of particles like atoms. This thing is called adrishta.

Adrishta is kind of like a force or energy that you can't see, but it can still make things happen. For example, have you ever played billiards or pool? When you hit one ball with the cue ball, the other ball starts moving, right? Well, some people believe that adrishta is what makes that happen.

They say that when you hit the cue ball, it sets off a chain reaction of adrishta that ends up moving the other ball. And it's not just in games like pool - adrishta can affect anything that happens in the world!

Some people even believe that adrishta is the reason why good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. They think that if someone does something good, it creates good adrishta that will bring more good things into their life. And if someone does something bad, it creates bad adrishta that will bring more bad things into their life.

Now, some people might not believe in adrishta, and that's okay too. It's just one of many different beliefs that people have about the world. But hopefully now you understand a little bit more about this interesting concept!