ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Advance healthcare directive

Hey kiddo, do you know what happens when someone gets sick or hurt and they can't tell the doctors what they want for their treatment? It can be really hard for their family to make decisions for them because they don't know what the person would want.

That's where an advance healthcare directive comes in! It's a special piece of paper that grown-ups fill out when they're healthy that says what they want for their treatment if they ever get too sick or hurt to tell the doctors themselves.

It usually has things like if they want to be kept on machines called ventilators to help them breathe, if they want to be resuscitated if their heart stops, or if they want to be buried or cremated when they pass away.

Having an advance healthcare directive makes it easier for doctors and family members to know what the person wants and to make sure they get the best care possible. It's like a plan for what should happen if something bad happens and the person can't talk for themselves.