ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adventure gamebook

An adventure gamebook is like a really cool book with a story that you can play like a game. Inside, you will find a story with different parts and you get to make choices that will change how the story ends.

For example, the book might start with you, the adventurer, standing in front of two doors. You get to choose which door to open, and depending on which one you choose, you may find yourself in a room with a treasure chest or in a room with a scary monster!

Each decision you make will lead you on a different path through the story. Maybe you decide to fight the monster instead of running away. Then, you have to flip to a different page to see what happens next.

The adventure gamebook is made up of lots of different sections, with different choices to make along the way. Some choices are easy and some are hard, but they are all super fun to make!

So, get ready to be adventurous and explore new worlds through the pages of an adventure gamebook!