ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aegean art

Aegean art is like when you draw and make cool things but it's from a long time ago, like when your grandparents were kids. It's from a place called the Aegean, which is where the big blue sea is between Greece and Turkey.

A long long time ago, people from the Aegean started using their hands to make things like pots, statues and pretty jewelry. They would use things like clay, gold and even ivory to make really cool designs. They would make these things for lots of reasons, like to show how important they were, to use in games and even to show what they believed in.

One really famous kind of Aegean art is called Mycenaean art. Mycenaeans were people who lived in the Aegean a long time ago and they were really good at making things out of shiny rocks, like gold and bronze. They would use these shiny rocks to make weapons and armor to protect themselves, and sometimes to make cool jewelry to show how rich they were.

Another kind of Aegean art is called Minoan art. The Minoans were people who lived on an island in the Aegean called Crete. They were really good at making pottery, which is like a fancy word for pots and dishes. They would make these pots and dishes with really pretty designs on them, like pictures of animals and trees.

Overall, Aegean art is really cool because it shows us what people a long time ago liked and what was important to them. We can learn a lot about their culture and what they believed in just by looking at the things they made.