ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Affirmative action in China

Well kiddo, affirmative action is a special policy that is put in place to help groups of people who have been treated unfairly or unequally in the past. In China, the government has put in place affirmative action policies to help certain groups of people have more opportunities to get a good education or a good job.

For example, in China, there are some ethnic groups, like the Tibetans or Uighurs, who have been discriminated against in the past. So, the government has put in place policies that give them some special help, like adding extra points to their college entrance exams or requiring that a certain number of employees at a company be from those groups.

However, this policy has also been criticized by some people who believe that it's unfair to give special treatment to certain groups of people over others. They believe that everyone should have the same opportunities, no matter what their background is.

Overall, though, the goal of affirmative action in China is to try to make up for the unequal treatment that some groups of people have experienced in the past and to give them a better chance at success in the future.