ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

African French

Okay kiddo, so in some parts of Africa, people speak a special kind of French called African French. It's kind of like how we speak English, but people in other countries might speak it a little differently.

When France colonized parts of Africa a long time ago, they brought the French language with them. Over time, the African people who spoke French put their own spin on it, so now there are some words and phrases that are unique to African French.

For example, in regular French, "hello" is "bonjour." But in some parts of Africa, people might say "salam" instead. And just like we have different accents when we speak, people in different parts of Africa will pronounce French words in their own way, too.

So even though African French is a little different than regular French, people who speak both can still understand each other pretty well! And it's cool that so many people in Africa are able to speak French as well as their own native language.