ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Age of consent reform

Okay kiddo, I'll explain what "age of consent reform" means. You know how grown-ups sometimes hug and kiss each other? Well, sometimes they want to do more than hug and kiss, and that's when things can get complicated.

In most places, there are laws that say you have to be a certain age to be allowed to do certain things. Drinking alcohol, driving a car, voting, and smoking are all things that have age restrictions. The same goes for having sex.

When someone is not old enough to legally have sex, it's called "statutory rape," which means that it's illegal for an adult to have sex with someone who is younger than a certain age. That age is called the "age of consent," and it varies from place to place.

Age of consent reform means people are talking about changing those laws to protect young people from being taken advantage of by adults. It's important that young people are able to decide if they want to have sex or not, and that they're not being pressured or manipulated by someone who's bigger, stronger, or more experienced.

Some people think the age of consent should be higher so that younger people are protected from people who might hurt them. Others think it should be lower so that young people have more freedom to make their own choices.

Regardless of what anyone thinks, the most important thing is that everyone involved in a sexual relationship is giving their fully informed consent. This means that they understand what's happening and are actively choosing to participate.