ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sex education

Sex education is a way of learning about the human body and different aspects of sex. It is important to learn about sex education because it helps individuals make informed decisions about their own bodies and relationships.

When we are born, we have different body parts which help us pee, poop, and make babies. Boys have a part called a penis and girls have a part called a vagina. These are different but both parts are important for making babies. Understanding these parts and how they work is a part of sex education.

As we get older, our bodies go through changes called puberty. This is when hair starts growing in new places, our bodies start looking more like adults, and we start having feelings about other people. Learning about puberty and how our bodies feel during this time is another important part of sex education.

Sex education also includes learning about different types of relationships like friendships, crushes, and romantic relationships. It teaches us how to communicate our feelings and how to respect other people's feelings. This helps us make good choices about who we want to be in relationships with and how we want to treat them.

Another important part of sex education is learning about contraception and how to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. This includes using condoms, birth control pills, and other methods to stay healthy and safe.

Overall, sex education is important because it helps us understand our bodies, our feelings, and our relationships. By learning about these things, we can make informed decisions about our lives and stay healthy and safe.