ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World War II U.S. Military Sex Education

Well, during a very big war that happened a long time ago called World War II, the people in charge of the United States military were worried that soldiers and sailors might get sick from having sex with different partners. They wanted to make sure that everyone knew how to protect themselves and stay healthy.

So, they made special classes or lessons called "sex education" that taught the soldiers and sailors how to use things called condoms or other methods to prevent getting sick, like we use sunscreen to prevent sunburns. They also taught them about what kind of diseases they could get and how to recognize when something might be wrong.

These lessons were important because they helped protect the health of the people fighting in the war and were a way to make sure everyone could stay healthy while doing their important jobs. Just like when we wash our hands to prevent getting sick, the soldiers and sailors learned to take extra steps to keep themselves healthy in a difficult situation like war.