ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ahar-Banas culture

Ahar-Banas culture is a fancy name given to a group of people who lived in a part of India a long, long time ago.

These people were very special because they were one of the earliest groups of humans to start farming and raising animals for food. They used special tools to dig and plow the land, and they knew how to grow crops like barley, wheat, and rice, which were very important sources of food for them.

Ahar-Banas people also knew how to make pottery and metal objects like jewelry, tools, and weapons. They used copper and bronze, which are metals that are sometimes found in rocks deep underground.

They lived in small villages and built their homes using mud and other natural materials. They were also really good at trading with other nearby communities, exchanging goods like food, pottery, and metals.

Overall, Ahar-Banas culture was important because it played a major role in the development of agriculture and metalworking in India. Without them, we probably wouldn't have the kinds of food and tools we have today!