ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ahura Mazda

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Ahura Mazda. Imagine there's a really big and important person who is in charge of everything. That's kind of what Ahura Mazda is like in the religion of Zoroastrianism.

Ahura Mazda is like a god, but not quite the same as the ones you might have heard of like Zeus or Thor. In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda is seen as the creator of everything in the world. This means that every big thing and every small thing was made by Ahura Mazda.

But Ahura Mazda isn't just in charge of creating things, they're also supposed to be really good and kind. Ahura Mazda is seen as the opposite of all the bad things in the world like darkness and evil.

Some people who believe in Ahura Mazda want to show their respect and love for them, so they might pray or make offerings. It's kind of like giving a really nice gift to someone you think is really great.

In summary, Ahura Mazda is like a really important and powerful being who created everything in the world, and who is also seen as really good and kind.