ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ai (chimpanzee)

Okay kiddo, so you know how we humans can think, learn, and solve problems using our brain? Well, similar to that, there is a thing called artificial intelligence (AI) that helps machines think, learn and solve problems too!

Now, imagine we have a very smart chimpanzee who is really good at finding hidden bananas. We want to teach this smart chimp to use a computer to find things instead of just bananas.

First, we need to give the chimp some basic rules to follow, like how to use a mouse or type on a keyboard. This is like us humans teaching a baby how to talk or walk.

Then, we show the chimp how to search for things on the computer using the internet. We might even teach the chimp to recognize certain pictures or words on the screen.

Next, once the chimp has learned how to use the computer, we can use AI to help the chimp learn even more. Instead of us telling the chimp what to do, the AI can teach the chimp by pointing out patterns and similarities. This is like a teacher showing a student how to solve a math problem step by step.

So, with the help of AI, the chimp can become even smarter and learn new things faster. Just like how we humans use our brains to learn and grow, AI helps machines like the chimp learn and grow too.
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