ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Aikido is like playing a game of "Red Light, Green Light." You know how you have to stop when the leader says "red light" and move forward when they say "green light"? In Aikido, we use our bodies to stop people who are trying to hurt us, and we only move when it's safe.

Imagine someone rushing at you to tackle you to the ground. Instead of getting scared or trying to fight back, you use your body to stay balanced and twist out of the way. Then you grab their arm and turn it so that they can't keep coming at you. You use their energy against them, like a big puzzle that you're trying to solve.

Aikido also teaches us to be calm and patient, like a ninja. We breathe deeply and move slowly, always keeping our focus on what's happening. We practice with partners, taking turns being the attacker and the defender. We learn to trust our partners and work together to make the technique work.

Overall, Aikido is a martial art that's all about using your body and your mind to stay safe and protect yourself from bad guys. It's a fun way to stay active and learn new skills, and it can help you feel more confident in all areas of your life.