ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Air Bridge Denial Program

So, let's say you and your friend both have toy blocks that you want to give each other. But, there's a big mean person standing in the way and you're not allowed to pass the blocks. So, what can you do? Well, you might try to find a different route that the mean person doesn't know about, like crawling under a table or sneaking around a corner.

Now, imagine that two countries want to trade things like food, medicine, and other important goods. But, there's a war going on and one country is being really mean and won't let the other country's airplanes fly over their land to deliver the stuff. That's where the air bridge denial program comes in.

The air bridge denial program is like a secret plan to help the friendly country get their stuff despite the mean country trying to stop them. They do this by finding alternative ways to get the goods across, like using different routes or sneaking around in the dark. Sometimes they might even use military airplanes to help deliver the goods.

It's kind of like a game of hide and seek or a spy mission, where the good guys are trying to get the things they need without getting caught by the bad guys. The air bridge denial program is important because it helps make sure that people don't suffer because of a war or conflict between countries.