ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Air pollution forecasting

Imagine you have a big coloring book, and you want to color it with many beautiful colors. But you have to choose the right colors for each page. If you choose the wrong ones, the pictures won't look so pretty.

Now, let's think about air pollution. It's like the color of the air - sometimes it's clean and looks beautiful, and sometimes it's dirty and unappealing. Just like choosing colors for your coloring book, scientists use machines to figure out how dirty or clean the air is.

Air pollution forecasting means scientists use these machines and other special tools to predict, or guess, how dirty or clean the air will be in the future. They can predict if there will be more or less air pollution the next day or even in the upcoming weeks.

By doing this, people can find ways to help clean the air. For example, if the air forecast predicts that the pollution levels will be high the next day, we can decide not to drive our car and instead walk, bike or use public transportation. That way, we'll help reduce the pollution level and protect our environment.
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