ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Airborne Launch Control Center

An airborne launch control center is like a big, special airplane that helps people control missiles and rockets. It flies high up in the air, and it has a lot of cool gadgets and computers inside of it. The people in the airplane use all of these gadgets and computers to make sure that the missiles and rockets go where they are supposed to go.

It's sort of like playing a video game, but with real missiles and rockets! The people in the airplane can also talk to other people on the ground who are helping them out, and they can change their plans if something goes wrong or if they need to adjust their aim.

Sometimes, the people in the airplane use the missiles and rockets to help protect their country, or to send things into space. It's a very important job, and people who work on the airborne launch control center have to be very smart and careful.