ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aircraft earth station

Okay kiddo, when a plane flies, it needs to talk to people on the ground so they know where it is and what it's doing. To do that, they use something called an "aircraft earth station".

Think of it like a big telephone that lets the plane call earth and talk to people on the other end. The aircraft earth station is hooked up to satellites in space that can pass messages between the plane and the ground.

So when the pilot needs to check in with air traffic control or get weather updates, they use the aircraft earth station to make a call. It's like when you call Grandma on the phone to say hi.

The aircraft earth station is located on the plane itself, so it can move around with the plane as it flies. That way the plane can always stay connected to the ground while it's in the air, no matter where it goes.

Overall, the aircraft earth station is an important tool that helps planes stay safe and connected while they're flying way up in the sky.
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