ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aitzaz Hasan

Aitzaz Hasan is a young boy from Pakistan who became very famous because of something very brave that he did. One day, when he was on his way to school with his friends, he saw a stranger who looked suspicious and had a bomb around him. The stranger wanted to go to Aitzaz’s school and blow it up, which would have hurt a lot of people.

But Aitzaz did not run away or hide like his friends did. Instead, he decided to do something very brave. He went up to the stranger and tried to stop him from entering the school. Even though the stranger threatened him, Aitzaz did not give up. He tackled the stranger and tried to stop him.

Sadly, the bomb exploded and Aitzaz and the stranger both lost their lives. But because of Aitzaz’s bravery, he is remembered as a hero in Pakistan and all over the world. People are inspired by his courage and his willingness to risk his own life to save others.