ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Akte Grüninger

"Akte Grüninger" is a story that happened a long time ago in a country called Switzerland. There was a man named Paul Grüninger, who was a police officer. He had a very important job, which was to protect people and make sure they were safe.

During this time, there were many people who were in danger because of a big war happening in other countries. These people were called refugees, and they had to leave their homes because of the war. They didn't have anywhere to go, and some of them came to Switzerland for safety.

But there were rules in Switzerland that said only a certain number of refugees could come into the country. And unfortunately, many countries had the same rules, so refugees were struggling to find a safe place to go.

Now, Paul Grüninger was someone who believed that everyone deserved to be safe and helped. He didn't think it was right to turn away people who needed help just because of those rules.

So, even though it was against the rules, he secretly decided to help the refugees come into Switzerland. He did this by changing their documents or adding more people to the list who were allowed to enter the country. He did this because he knew that these people were in danger and needed a safe place to live.

Over time, Paul Grüninger helped more than 3,600 refugees come to Switzerland. He didn't get any money or reward for doing this; he did it because he believed it was the right thing to do.

But sadly, there were some people who didn't agree with Paul Grüninger's actions. They thought he was breaking the rules and shouldn't have helped the refugees. So, they accused him of doing something wrong and he lost his job as a police officer.

Even though Paul Grüninger lost his job, many people realized that he was a hero. They saw that he did something very brave and kind to help those in need. And years later, Switzerland recognized his actions and realized that he did the right thing by helping the refugees.

So, "Akte Grüninger" is the story of Paul Grüninger, who went against the rules to help refugees in Switzerland. It shows us that sometimes, we have to do what we believe is right, even if it means breaking the rules, to help people who are in need. And it teaches us that being kind and helping others is always a good thing to do, no matter what.