ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Al-sabehat is an Arabic word that means "the cleansing." It is a practice that is done by some Muslim people during the month of Ramadan, which is a special time of year when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

During al-sabehat, Muslims will wake up before the sun rises and eat a small meal, usually consisting of some fruits and water. They do this because they know that they will not be eating or drinking anything until the sun sets, so they want to make sure that they have enough energy to make it through the day.

After eating, Muslims will then make their way to a mosque or a special outdoor area where they will do their morning prayers. These prayers are very important to Muslims and are seen as a way to connect with Allah (God) and ask for his blessings and guidance.

After the prayers are over, Muslims will then perform an act of personal hygiene that is required before they start their fast for the day. This can include things like brushing their teeth, washing their face and hands, and rinsing out their mouth.

The purpose of al-sabehat is to help Muslims prepare themselves mentally and physically for the fast ahead. It is a way to show reverence and respect for the holy month of Ramadan, and to remind oneself of the spiritual significance of the fast.

So, in short, al-sabehat is a morning routine that many Muslims follow during Ramadan to prepare themselves for the day ahead and to show their devotion and respect to Allah.