ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alabama Claims

Okay, so a long time ago, before even our grandparents were born, there was a big war between two groups of people called the Union and the Confederacy. The people in the Union wanted to stay together as one country and the people in the Confederacy wanted to be their own separate country.

Now, during this war, the Union wanted to stop the Confederacy from getting help from other countries. So they made a rule that no other country could sell weapons or supplies to the Confederacy.

But, even though this rule was made, there were some countries like Great Britain that still sold things to the Confederacy. One of these things was ships that were used for war.

The Union didn't like this at all! They were angry that Great Britain was helping the Confederacy even though they weren't supposed to. So, when the war was over, the Union told Great Britain that they owed them some money for the damage that was caused by the ships they sold to the Confederacy.

This is what we call the Alabama Claims. It was basically the Union saying, "Hey Great Britain, you broke the rules and cost us a lot of money. You need to pay us back for it."

The whole thing was settled in a big meeting where both sides talked and argued and eventually came to an agreement. But it was a big deal at the time because it showed how important it is to follow the rules and not cheat, even during a war.