ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prize (law)

Okay kiddo, let me try and explain to you what a prize is in the world of law.

Imagine you are playing a game of hide and seek with your friends, and your older sister puts up a prize for whoever finds the best hiding spot. That prize is a reward, something you get as a result of doing well in the game. Now, in the same way, a prize in law is something that is offered as a reward for doing something well, but not in a game, in a legal situation.

For example, if you see a criminal doing something wrong and report it to the police, you might be entitled to a prize or a reward. This is because you have helped the police catch the criminal and made the community a safer place. The prize is a way of saying thank you for your help and encouraging others to do the same.

Prizes can also be offered for things like finding a lost object, solving a puzzle, or winning a competition. In each of these situations, the prize is a reward for hard work, skill, or good luck.

So, in short, a prize in law is a reward offered to someone who has done something well or contributed to the community in some way. It's a way of saying thank you and inspiring others to do the same.