Albanian folk beliefs are things that people in Albania believe in but are not always based on facts or science. These beliefs have been passed down from generation to generation through stories and traditions.
One belief is that if you have a dream where someone gives you money, you will have good luck for a while. Another belief is that if you step on someone's foot accidentally, you need to step back on the same foot right away or you will have bad luck.
Some Albanians believe that if you wash your hands too much, you will lose your wealth or that if you leave your shoes upside down, someone close to you will die.
Many Albanians also believe in the concept of "karma", which means that if you do good things, good things will happen to you and if you do bad things, bad things will happen to you.
These beliefs are not always proven by science or facts, but they are important to Albanian culture and traditions. It's important to respect and understand these beliefs even if we don't always agree with them.