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Albanian epic poetry

Albanian epic poetry is like a very long and exciting story that people in Albania have been telling for a very long time. It's called "epic" because it tells about a big adventure with a hero or a heroine who goes through many challenges and battles.

The story is usually in verse, or in a special kind of poem, which means that the words rhyme and sound nice together when they're read out loud. The poem is in Albanian, which is a language spoken by people who live in Albania, Kosovo, and other places in the Balkans.

The story usually tells about brave and strong warriors who are fighting for their people's freedom or for a mission or goal they believe in. There are often magic creatures, gods and goddesses, and mystical events in the story that make it more exciting.

Even though these epic stories were usually told by word of mouth, which means someone told the story to someone else, they were eventually written down so that they wouldn't be lost. Albanian epic poetry is a way for Albanians to connect with their history and culture, and to learn about their ancestors' struggles and triumphs.