ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aleppo Arabic

Aleppo Arabic is a way of speaking that people in the city of Aleppo in Syria use to talk to each other. Just like how you might speak differently to your friends than you do to grown-ups, people in different places might use slightly different words or ways of talking, and that's what makes Aleppo Arabic special.

Think of it like you and your friends having your own made-up language that only you understand. It’s like a secret code! People who grew up in or around Aleppo might use words or phrases that you might not hear in other parts of Syria or even in other countries where Arabic is spoken.

For example, they might say "a'ah" instead of "na'am" to mean "yes," or "shu" instead of "ma" to mean "what". These small changes in words and phrases help make Aleppo Arabic unique and special to the people who use it every day.