ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alert on LAN

Okay, imagine you have a toy robot and you want it to wake up from its sleep mode without having to physically go over to it and turn it on. Alert on LAN is like having a special remote control that can wake up your robot from far away.

But, instead of a robot, your computer is the thing that needs to wake up. Alert on LAN (or Wake-on-LAN) is a special feature that allows you to send a signal, like a shout, to your sleeping computer to make it wake up and start working again.

This is really useful if you're away from your computer, but suddenly remember a file you need to access or want to remotely control your computer without physically being in front of it. With Alert on LAN, you can do all of that even if your computer is in a different part of the house or even in a different city!