ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alfredo M. Bonanno

Alfredo M. Bonanno is a person who has some very radical ideas about how society should work. He thinks that the current system of government and capitalism is really bad for people and that there needs to be a big change in the way things are organized.

To explain what he thinks, let's imagine a playground. Right now, there are some kids who are really good at playing and some kids who aren't as good. The kids who are good at playing get to be in charge and make all the rules, but that isn't very fair to the other kids.

Bonanno thinks that everyone should have a say in how the playground works, not just the kids who are good at playing. He also thinks that there should be no rules or people in charge, just everyone working together to make sure everyone is happy and safe.

Now, some people might think that this is a crazy idea and that we need rules and people in charge to keep us safe. But Bonanno thinks that we should trust each other and work together to make sure everyone is happy and safe.

In short, Bonanno thinks that we should all have a say in how society works, not just a few people. He also thinks that we don't need rules or people in charge, just everyone working together to make sure everyone is happy and safe.