ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Algebraic code-excited linear prediction

Algebraic code-excited linear prediction (ACELP) is a way that computers can make voices sound more natural when they talk to people.

When a computer talks, it needs to use numbers to represent the sounds that the words make. But sometimes these numbers don't sound natural and can sound robotic.

ACELP helps make these numbers sound more like human speech. It works by taking a lot of different sounds and storing them in a computer program. Then, when the computer generates speech, it uses the closest sound in this program to get a better match and make the speech sound more natural.

It's kind of like when you play with blocks. You have a bunch of different blocks that you can put together to build something cool. In this case, instead of blocks, we have lots and lots of sounds that we can use to build a better sounding computer voice.

So, next time you talk to a computer voice, remember that there’s a lot of math happening behind the scenes to make it sound more like a real person!