ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alicyclic compound

An alicyclic compound is like a special shape made with different atoms called carbon and hydrogen. It is called "alicyclic" because it looks like a bicycle wheel, which is usually made of metal.

Just like how the bicycle wheel has a circle shape and spokes that connect the center of the wheel to its edge, an alicyclic compound also has a circle shape made up of carbon atoms. Some alicyclic compounds have spokes, or more atoms, that can connect to the carbon circle. These atoms can be different from each other and can make the shape more interesting.

Sometimes people like to add other atoms like oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur to the alicyclic compound to make it even more special. These atoms can give the compound different properties, like how it behaves under different conditions.

Overall, alicyclic compounds are really cool shapes made out of certain atoms. Scientists like to study them to learn more about them and how they can be used for different things.