ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alka (Baltic religion)

Alka is a type of religion that was practiced a long time ago by people who lived in an area called the Baltic region. This area includes countries like Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

In Alka, people believed in many gods and goddesses, who they thought controlled different parts of the world. For example, there was a god of thunder, a goddess of fertility, and a god of war.

People would often make offerings to these gods and goddesses, like food, flowers, or even animal sacrifices. They believed that by doing this, they would keep the gods and goddesses happy and get their favor in return.

Interestingly, Alka also included a belief in the afterlife. People thought that when they died, their souls would go to a place called the "underworld." They also believed that if they were good in their life, they would be rewarded in the underworld and if they were bad, they would be punished.

Overall, Alka was a religion that helped people make sense of the world around them and give meaning to their lives. Although it is not practiced today, it is still remembered as an important part of Baltic history and culture.