ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Allied Security Trust

Ok, kiddo, let me explain to you what Allied Security Trust is all about.

Allied Security Trust (AST) is like a secret club that companies can join so they can share their ideas and inventions with each other without worrying that their competitors will try to copy them.

You know how when you make something really cool and then your sibling or friend tries to make the same thing and say they did it first? Well, with AST, companies can protect their ideas and inventions by sharing them with other organizations that promise not to steal them.

This means that companies can work together to come up with new ideas and products without worrying about someone else taking credit for their work. Pretty cool, huh?

So, think of it as a group of grown-ups who promise to play nicely together and not take each other's toys. And by toys, I mean inventions and ideas!