ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An alphorn is a really long and skinny musical instrument that comes from Switzerland. It's made from a special type of wood and can be as long as 4 meters (that's like the height of a very tall person!).

To play the alphorn, you have to blow into the small end of the instrument with your mouth. The sound that comes out is really deep and echoes for a long time, kind of like when you shout in a big empty room and hear your voice bounce back.

People have been playing alphorns in Switzerland for hundreds of years, and they use it to make music that sounds like it's coming from the mountains. It's especially popular during festivals and celebrations, and sometimes even cows wear special bells and walk around while the alphorns play.

Even though the alphorn is really long and hard to carry around, people still play it a lot because it's such a big part of their culture and history.