ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alternative cancer treatments

Cancer is a really icky disease that happens when cells in your body start to grow too much and too quickly. Traditional treatments for cancer include things like surgery (when doctors cut out the cancer cells), chemotherapy (when doctors give you strong medicine to try and kill the cancer cells), and radiation (when doctors use special rays to try and kill the cancer cells).

Some people believe that there are other ways to treat cancer that could be helpful. These are called alternative cancer treatments. Some of these treatments include things like special diets, herbal remedies, acupuncture, and some people even think using things like magnets or light therapy could help.

It is important to remember that scientists and doctors have studied cancer treatments a lot over the years, and they have found that traditional treatments are the best way to try and get better. Sometimes alternative treatments can be helpful too, but it is really important to always talk to a doctor and make sure they know everything you are doing to try and get better.