ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Diet and cancer

Hey there kiddo! So, you know how your body needs food to grow and stay healthy, right? Well, some foods can make it more likely for you to get sick or get diseases like cancer.

Cancer is when your body's cells start growing in a way that's not normal. There are a lot of reasons why this can happen, but one of them is because of the things we eat.

When we eat things like sugary drinks, processed foods, and red meat, it can make it more likely that our cells will start growing in a way that could lead to cancer. But when we eat things like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, it can help protect our cells from getting damaged and turning into cancer.

So, it's really important to eat a healthy and balanced diet to help prevent cancer. This means eating lots of different kinds of fruits and vegetables, whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat bread, and choosing lean proteins like chicken, fish, and beans instead of red meat.

Remember, your body needs good food to stay healthy and strong!