ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alternative media in the United Kingdom

Okay kiddo, so alternative media in the United Kingdom is like a different kind of news that you might not see on TV or in the big newspapers. It's like a group of people who want to talk about things that the big news companies might not be interested in or might not want to talk about.

So, let's say you're playing with your friends and you see something really cool like a rainbow in the sky. You tell your friends about it and they think it's really cool too. But what if the big TV news companies don't think rainbows are important enough to put on TV? That's where alternative media comes in. They might think that rainbows are really cool and want to talk about them even if the big TV news companies don't.

Another thing that alternative media might do is talk about things that the big news companies don't want to talk about. For example, let's say there is a problem in your school where some kids are being mean to other kids, but the teachers aren't doing anything about it. The big news companies might not want to talk about it because they don't think it's a big enough problem. But alternative media might want to talk about it because they think it's really important.

So, alternative media is kind of like a group of people who want to talk about different things that the big news companies might not be interested in or might not want to talk about. They might talk about really cool things like rainbows or important things like problems in schools.