ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alternatives to Darwinism

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard about the story of the tortoise and the hare? The one where the slow and steady tortoise wins the race against the fast but lazy hare? Well, that story is kinda like Darwinism.

Darwinism is the idea that animals and plants that are better suited to their environment - meaning they can survive better and have more babies - are more likely to pass on their traits to their offspring. This process is called natural selection, and it's like the tortoise winning the race.

But some people believe that there are other ideas besides Darwinism that might explain how animals and plants change over time. For example, one idea is called Lamarckism. This idea says that animals and plants can change their traits during their lifetime, and then pass those traits on to their offspring. It's like the hare deciding to start working out and becoming stronger, so their offspring are also strong.

Another idea is called intelligent design, and it says that a higher power, like a god or gods, designed all living things in their current form. It's like someone built a car from scratch, instead of the car evolving over time.

There are even more ideas out there about how animals and plants change over time. But scientists still can't agree on which idea is the best one. So for now, we just keep learning and researching to try and figure it out.