ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Amalgamation (names)

Amalgamation means to combine two or more things to create something new. Imagine you have two toys, a car toy and a train toy, and you want to make a new toy by mixing some parts of the car toy with the train toy. This is what amalgamation means - making something new by mixing different things together.

Now, let's think about names. People like to combine different names to create a new name for their baby, a pet, or even a company. For example, if you have a puppy and you want to name it after both your favorite colors, purple and blue, you can combine those names to create a new and unique name like "Purpue."

When companies join together, they also use amalgamation to create a new name that represents the new, combined company. For example, if two companies "ABC" and "XYZ" join together, they may create a new name by combining parts of each name like "ABC-XYZ," "XYZ-ABC", or even make up a completely new name like "AXYZ Group."

So, in short, amalgamation means combining two or more things to create something new, and it can also refer to creating a new name by combining parts of existing names.