ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Amazon rubber boom

Okay kiddo, a long time ago in the 19th century, people found out that there were lots of rubber trees in the Amazon rainforest. The rubber trees had a kind of sap or juice that could be turned into rubber, which was very useful for making things like tires, shoes, and even balloons!

So a lot of people started going to the Amazon rainforest to collect the rubber. They would cut into the trees and collect the sap in containers. Then, they would bring the sap back to factories where it would be turned into rubber.

But collecting rubber wasn't easy. It was dangerous work, and people who collected the rubber had to watch out for things like snakes and jaguars. Plus, the people who owned the rubber plantations or factories where the rubber was made didn't always treat the workers very well. Sometimes they would even force them to work for very long hours.

Despite these challenges, the demand for rubber kept growing. Lots of people all over the world wanted rubber, and so the people who collected and made rubber in the Amazon rainforest became very rich. In fact, this period of time is called the "Amazon rubber boom" because there was so much money to be made from rubber.

But unfortunately, the rubber boom didn't last forever. Eventually, other parts of the world started producing rubber too, and the demand for rubber from the Amazon rainforest went down. Plus, people began to realize that cutting down the rainforest to make rubber plantations was damaging the environment.

So while the Amazon rubber boom was an exciting and profitable time for some people, it also had its problems. Luckily, we've learned a lot since then about how important it is to protect the rainforest and the people who live in it.