Ambidirectional dominance means that a person can use both their left and right hands equally well when performing tasks that require physical coordination, like writing or catching a ball. It's like being able to use both your left and right feet to kick a ball.
Usually, people have a dominant hand that they use more often, either the left or the right. This is because one side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, and the part of the brain that's responsible for coordinating movement is better developed on one side.
But some people have a more even distribution of the brain activity responsible for physical coordination, which allows them to use both hands equally well. This can be useful in sports, music, or any other activity that requires coordination and dexterity.
Not everyone is naturally ambidextrous, but some people can train themselves to become more adept with their non-dominant hand. However, some studies suggest that ambidexterity may have a genetic component, so it may not be possible for everyone to develop it to the same degree.