ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Amenonuhoko (or Ame-no-nuboko) is a mythical object from Japanese folklore. It's portrayed as a long, pointed pole or spear made out of heavenly materials.

Long, long ago, the universe was a dark and empty void. Nothing existed except for two gods, named Izanami and Izanagi. They were tasked with creating the world we know today.

One day, the two gods were standing on the floating bridge of heaven, looking down at the swirling chaos beneath them. They decided it was time to start creating solid ground. So they dipped the tip of Amenonuhoko into the churning ocean below them, and as they pulled it out, drops of salt water dripped off the tip and formed an island in the sea. They created more islands this way, until they had a chain of them stretching out as far as the eye could see.

But there was still one more thing they had to do. They needed to create the god of fire, who would bring warmth and light to their new world. So they took Amenonuhoko and thrust it down into the earth. As they lifted it back up, sparks flew out and ignited a great flame. This was the birth of the god of fire.

So, Amenonuhoko is a powerful object that was used to create the world we know today. It's an important part of Japanese mythology and represents the power of creation.