ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Civil War alternate histories

The American Civil War was a major war fought in the United States in the 1800s. It was fought between the northern part of the country (known as the Union) and the southern part (known as the Confederacy). It lasted for four long years and ended when the Union won. There have been many stories written about what might have happened if the outcome of the war had been different. This is known as an alternate history. In an alternate history, we imagine what life might have been like if the Civil War had come out differently. For example, some stories imagine that the Confederate states won the war, and some imagine that slavery continued in the United States. In other stories, the Union won, but it was a much different kind of country than we have today. By telling these stories, we can think about the different kinds of societies that could have happened if the American Civil War had gone differently.