ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Health Care Act of 2017

Okay, so imagine you're at the doctor and you're really sick. The American Health Care Act of 2017 is kind of like a big set of rules that the government wants to make about how doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies can help you get better.

One of the big things they want to do is change how people get health insurance. Right now, some people get their insurance from the government, and some people get it from their job. The new rules want to give more people the chance to buy insurance on their own instead of going through their job or the government.

The new rules also want to change some of the important things that health insurance helps pay for. For example, right now, insurance has to pay for things like annual check-ups and prescription drugs. Under the new rules, insurance companies might not have to cover all of those things anymore, and that could make it harder and more expensive for people to take care of themselves.

Finally, the new rules also want to make some changes to how much it costs to go to the doctor or hospital. Some people might have to pay more money out of their own pockets if they get really sick or need surgery.

Overall, the American Health Care Act of 2017 is a big set of rules that could change how we all get medical help when we need it. It's a really complicated topic, but it's important to pay attention to because it affects all of us in some way.