ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Samoa

American Samoa is a group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean that belong to the United States. It is a very small place with only around 55,000 people living there.

American Samoa is located about 2,600 miles southwest of Hawaii, which is also a part of the United States. The islands are very beautiful and have lots of lush forests, tropical beaches, and crystal clear waters.

The people who live in American Samoa are called Samoans, and they have their own unique culture and traditions. They have a deep respect for their ancestors and many of their customs involve honoring their ancestors and their spirits.

One thing that is interesting about American Samoa is that they have their own government, even though they are a part of the United States. They have their own governor, legislature, and court system.

Another thing that is unique about American Samoa is that they use a different type of money than the rest of the United States. Instead of using dollars like we do, they use something called "Tala" and "Sene".

Overall, American Samoa is a very special and unique place, with its own customs, government, and currency. It has a beautiful natural environment and a rich cultural heritage, that sets it apart from the rest of the United States.