An amphibious assault submarine is a special type of submarine that can do something very unique. It can not only travel underwater like a normal submarine, but it can also come up to the surface of the water and carry people and things onto land!
Think of it like a really big car that can drive on the road, but also turn into a boat and sail across the ocean. Except in this case, it's a super high-tech submarine that can do those things.
The submarine has a special area inside where people and equipment can be stored for the mission. It also has big doors that can open up to let them all out. Then the submarine can come up to the shallow water near the shore, and the people and equipment can be safely unloaded onto the land.
This type of submarine is often used for military missions, such as transporting troops and supplies to a beach for a surprise attack. It can also be used for rescue missions, to save people who are stranded on a beach or island.
Overall, an amphibious assault submarine is a really special and cool type of vehicle that can go underwater and on land, helping people and countries do important things.