ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Analytic language

Imagine you have a bunch of toys and you want to put them in different boxes based on their color. You have a box for red toys, a box for blue toys, and a box for green toys. This is like how an analytic language works.

In an analytic language, words are like the boxes and they are used to separate different ideas. For example, in English, we have a separate word for "the" (like in "the dog") and a separate word for "is" (like in "the dog is brown"). In some other languages, like Chinese or Vietnamese, they don't have separate words for "the" or "is." Instead, they use the same word for both ideas.

So, in an analytic language, you use different words to express different ideas. This makes it easier to understand what's being said or written. It's like having different boxes for your toys - it keeps things organized and makes it easier to find what you're looking for.