ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anarchism and issues related to love and sex

Anarchism is like playing with friends where everyone has the same say in what they want to do. Imagine if Mom and Dad said, "Kids, you can decide what game to play today!" That's called anarchy. It means nobody is bossing anyone else around.

Now let's talk about love and sex. When two people love each other and want to be together, that's great! It doesn't matter if they are the same gender or different genders. Anarchism says that people should be free to love and be with whoever they want, as long as everyone involved agrees. Nobody else should be able to tell them what to do with their bodies or their hearts.

Sometimes people try to control other people's love and sex lives. They might say that certain kinds of love or sex are bad or wrong, and try to make people feel bad for feeling them. That's not fair or right. Anarchism says that everyone should have the right to love and have sex in the ways that make them happy and fulfilled, as long as it's not hurting anyone else.

So, in short, anarchism is about everyone having a say in what they do, and it's important to let people love and have sex in the ways that feel good to them without judgment or control from others.