ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Anglo-Catholicism is a branch of Christianity that believes in worshiping God in a very traditional and formal way. Think of it like having a special tea party with fancy hats, dresses, and manners!

The Anglican Church, which is a big church with lots of branches, has some people who like to do things a certain way. These people who like to do things the traditional way believe in things like using special hymns, dressing up in long robes, using candles and incense during services, and having priests who can trace their spiritual lineage all the way back to the apostles.

They believe in following strict rules and guidelines for worship, and they like to bring back ancient customs and practices of the church. This can be seen in things like using special words in their prayers and worship, and following the seasons of the church year very carefully.

In summary, Anglo-Catholicism is a way of worshiping God that values tradition, ritual, and formality. Think of it like having a really fancy, structured tea party with lots of rules and traditions.