ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Animal testing on non-human primates

Animal testing on non-human primates is like doing a check-up on your pet dog or cat, but instead of checking them at the vet, scientists use special tools to check the health of monkeys and apes to see how certain medicines or treatments might affect humans.

Just like people go to the doctor when they are sick, scientists want to make sure that new medicines and treatments are safe and effective before people start using them. Since monkeys and apes are very similar to us humans in many ways, they are often used in scientific experiments to test new drugs or treatments.

However, just like when you go to the doctor, sometimes the tests and treatments can be uncomfortable or even painful for monkeys and apes. That is why scientists take extra care to make sure that the animals are treated well and not harmed during the experiments. In fact, there are strict laws and regulations that require scientists to take good care of these animals and make sure they are comfortable and healthy while they are being tested.

Animal testing on non-human primates is not something that is done lightly or without care for these animals. While it might seem strange or even unsettling, it is an important part of helping humans stay healthy and safe.