Animal testing on rabbits means that scientists use rabbits to test products like cosmetics, medicines, or other chemicals to see if they are safe for people to use. The scientists will do things to the rabbits, like put the product on their skin, give them medicine or chemicals to drink, or even make cuts on their skin to see if the product is safe or if it hurts the rabbit.
Rabbits are used for testing because they are sensitive animals and their skin can be similar to human skin. Scientists use rabbits instead of people for testing because it can be very dangerous to test products on people before making sure they are safe.
However, this testing can be painful and scary for the rabbits. That's why scientists only do it if they think it's necessary and try to make sure the rabbits don't suffer too much. Many people don't like animal testing because they believe that it's not fair to use animals this way.
That's why scientists are trying to find new ways to test products without using animals. They are using computer models and cell cultures that imitate human skin and organs to see if products are safe. So in the future, we might not need to use rabbits to test products anymore!