ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Animal-assisted therapy

Animal-assisted therapy is a kind of therapy that makes use of animals like dogs, cats or horses to help people get better. The animal that is used in this kind of therapy is specially trained and friendly so that people can interact with them in a safe and positive way. When people are sad, worried or have problems, sometimes they want someone to talk to who will not judge them or tell their secrets to others - this is where the animals come in.

The animal can help people feel more relaxed, comforted and less stressed. For instance, if a person is feeling anxious, petting a cat or a dog can make them feel calmer and more peaceful. If someone is feeling lonely, spending time with horses or other animals can make them feel less alone and improve their mood.

Animal-assisted therapy is often used to help people who have mental health or behavioral issues, such as anxiety, depression, autism, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The therapists who work with animals are specially trained to use specific techniques and activities that involve the animals to help their clients work through their problems.

Overall, animal-assisted therapy is a special kind of therapy that uses the friendship and warmth of specially trained animals to help people feel better and improve their mental and emotional well-being.